How to Cite Wto Agreements Oscola

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that facilitates trade among its member countries. The WTO has a number of agreements that govern trade between its members, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). These agreements are often cited in legal and academic documents, and when citing them, it is important to follow the correct citation style.

One commonly used citation style in legal and academic writing is the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). OSCOLA provides rules for citing a wide range of legal sources, including treaties, legislation, and cases. When citing WTO agreements in OSCOLA, the following guidelines should be followed:

1. Identify the agreement: Start by identifying the WTO agreement you are citing, such as the GATT or TRIPS.

2. Provide the title and year: After identifying the agreement, provide the full title and year of the agreement in italics. For example, the full title of the TRIPS agreement is ”Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights” and it was adopted in 1994.

3. Use the official citation: The official citation for WTO agreements can be found on the WTO website. The citation typically includes the title of the agreement, the volume and page number of the WTO document, and the date of adoption or entry into force.

4. Add pinpoint citations: Pinpoint citations should be used to refer to specific sections or articles within the agreement. Pinpoint citations should be preceded by the abbreviation ”art.” or ”para.” for articles or paragraphs, respectively.

Here is an example of how to cite the TRIPS agreement in OSCOLA:

Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (adopted 15 April 1994) 1869 UNTS 299, art 3(1).

This citation includes the full title of the TRIPS agreement, the year it was adopted, the official citation from the UN Treaty Series, and a pinpoint citation to article 3(1) of the agreement.

In summary, when citing WTO agreements in OSCOLA, it is important to provide the full title and year of the agreement, use the official citation, and include pinpoint citations for specific sections or articles within the agreement. By following these guidelines, your citations will be accurate and consistent, making it easier for readers to locate and verify the sources you have used.

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