Child Support Private Agreement Form

Child support is a legal obligation that both parents have to support their child or children. In most cases, the court orders the non-custodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent. However, parents can also come up with their own child support arrangement through a private agreement. In this article, we’ll be discussing the child support private agreement form and what you need to know about it.

What is a Child Support Private Agreement Form?

A child support private agreement form is a legal document that outlines the agreement between the parents with regard to child support. This document is usually used when parents are able to come to an agreement outside of the court system. The private agreement form can be used to establish child support payments, as well as other financial obligations, such as health insurance and education expenses.

What are the Benefits of a Child Support Private Agreement?

One of the main benefits of a child support private agreement is that it is a flexible option for parents. When parents come to an agreement outside of court, they have more control over the process and can customize the terms to fit their unique situation. Private agreements can also be a more affordable and faster option than going through court proceedings.

Another benefit of a child support private agreement is that it can help to maintain a positive co-parenting relationship. When parents work together to create an agreement, they are more likely to follow through on the terms and avoid conflicts in the future.

What Should be Included in a Child Support Private Agreement Form?

When creating a child support private agreement, there are several key elements that should be included in the document. These elements include:

– The amount of child support payments

– The frequency of child support payments

– How the payments will be made and received

– The duration of the agreement

– Any additional financial obligations, such as health insurance and education expenses

– Any agreed-upon changes or modifications to the agreement

– Signatures from both parents

It is important to note that a child support private agreement must be approved by the court to be enforceable. If either parent does not follow through on the terms of the agreement, the other parent can take legal action to enforce the agreement.


In conclusion, a child support private agreement form is a legal document that outlines the agreement between parents with regard to child support. It can be a flexible and affordable option for parents who are able to come to an agreement outside of the court system. When creating a child support private agreement, it is important to include key elements such as the amount and frequency of payments, as well as any additional financial obligations. Remember that the agreement must be approved by the court to be enforceable, and always consult with an attorney when creating a legal document.

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